Spanish Courses for Businesses

Spanish Courses in Madrid

Given that English is the common language in much of the business world, recruiters and HR departments affirm that a knowledge of Spanish helps workers advance in their careers and attain key positions within a company. In many cases, being bilingual in English and Spanish is a requirement for high-level management positions.

The ability to speak more than one language is crucial for success in international business. 79% of North American HR professionals cited Spanish as the additional language most in demand by companies. It is followed by French (43%) and Mandarin Chinese (30%).


Learning Spanish

When people from other countries join an organization, they must quickly adapt to and understand what is happening in their new environment. While in certain cities in Spain and areas of Latin America a person may be able to carry out their job successfully without having any knowledge of Spanish, it is essential that they feel comfortable both personally and professionally.

An employee who can function confidently in a foreign environment is likely to be happier and more productive than one who cannot. From a business perspective, speaking someone else’s native language helps to gain their trust.

Global companies take notice of people with global aptitudes and the ability to speak other languages, especially Spanish, is a global ability.

Interlang Language Training

A Global Language

In the United States, it is no longer only in California or Texas where the billboards are in Spanish. For example, in Atlanta, 70% of the billboards are in Spanish.

The greatest need for bilingual employees is in the consumer services sector, especially in banking and telecommunications. Bilingual executives are most sought after in marketing, sales, general management, and for president or CEO positions.

Currently, 329 million people speak Spanish as their first language, and 328 million speak English.

At Interlang we can help expatriate professionals from any organization to feel comfortable in their workplace and function professionally in Spanish.

Contact us

Contact our corporate language services centre, and we will create a personalised plan tailored to your organisation.

Estrecho de Mesina, 13
28043, Madrid

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