German Courses in Madrid

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German Courses for Businesses

Mastering a new language is something that can offer us many advantages. Above all, if it is an important one that can help us at a work and academic level. In this sense, although it is not as popular an option as English, we find German to be one of the most interesting languages ​​to learn.

Solo en Europa existen casi 100 millones de personas para las que el alemán es su primera lengua. Además de ser idioma oficial en Alemania, también lo es de otros lugares como Austria, Suiza, Luxemburgo o Bélgica. Y es segunda o tercera lengua en Dinamarca, Eslovenia, Países Bajos y Polonia, entre otros.


Learning German

It is considered the language of poets and thinkers. The German-speaking population has contributed throughout history with 13 Nobel Prizes in Literature and 30 Nobel Prizes in Physics. Delving into this language will allow you to enrich yourself culturally by studying authors such as Goethe, Günter Grass, Karl Marx, Max Weber, or Friedrich Engels. It also provides a deeper understanding of the lives of geniuses like Einstein, Nietzsche, Bach, or Beethoven.

German is also regarded as the language of science. This is due to the fact that prominent scientists like Werner Heisenberg, Hermann Weyl, Max Born, or Albert Einstein hailed from this country. As a result, the German language is currently the second most widely used, behind only English, for scientific writings worldwide.

Interlang Language Training

A Global Language

Brexit has led many professionals and businesses seeking international experience or expansion to now consider targeting the German market. Germany is the economic powerhouse of Europe, and its unemployment rate is remarkably low.

Learning German requires consistency and effort. As you study German, you will observe that it shares many similarities with English, which makes the learning process much easier.

At Interlang we make learning effective, since we have native teachers who also master the Spanish language to facilitate understanding at the lowest levels and offer professionals the best possible experience in German training.

Contact us

Contact our corporate language services centre and request your training plan tailored to the needs of your organisation.

Estrecho de Mesina, 13
28043, Madrid

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